SK #LONG Pisces (Large)



It is the belief of some astrologers that we are living in the Age of Pisces, the Latin word for fish. Classified as a water sign, Pisceans are symbolic of its ever-changing nature. Textile Designer Suneetha/Bhaavana’s tribute to the current era is a playfully delightful combination of needle felt and beadwork on a gleaming backdrop of silk. Lustrous folds of sea-drenched coral showcase her creations, and jewelry designer Ronda Terry’s sparkling button of kiln-fired dichroic glass completes the ensemble.

Over, And Under, And Then Up For Air!

Main Fabric - Silk boucle in herringbone pattern of blue and blush pink

Lining - Vivid blue poly satin

Art Panels - Textile Designer Suneetha/Bhaavana employs multiple techniques of needle felt and beadwork on a gleaming backdrop of silk

Button - jewelry designer Ronda Terry’s sparkling button of kiln-fired dichroic glass